Don’t confuse the two. One represents lack . . . The other represents abundance . . . Sacrifice will eventually lead to resentment . . . Giving from a full heart does not”
(Byrne, 2006, p. 108).
(Byrne, 2006, p. 108).
“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” – 1 Peter 4:10
STEWARDSHIP is an attitude, a daily endeavor, a way of life through the commitment of your TIME, TALENT, and TREASURE. We encourage you to review your 2025 Stewardship information. There are always opportunities to join our ministries and committees.
Click here to learn more about the “Walk in Love” stewardship campaign.
“Where your treasure is there is where your heart will also be.” We support what we value with our time, talent, and treasure.
Our wonderful church is a place of worship, learning, caring, and fellowship. Investing your time, talent, and treasure in God’s work here draws each of us deeper into the life of the ministries and committees of our parish.
O God, I resolve to put you first in my life. I recognize that You have blessed me with all that I have and all that I am. As your steward, I resolve to sacrifice when necessary but always to do so out of a spirit of sincere love, just as your Son, Jesus, did for me. I humbly accept the challenge to share from my means rather than from my excess. I recognize that being a good steward is nothing more than being truly Christian.
Dear God, I resolve, to be generous with my time and talent using the gifts that I have been given. I commit myself to taking care of my body and all of creation. I know there will be times when I fail to be a good steward, but I commit to keep trying. I will confidently live each day with a spirit of True Peace and Joy in knowing that I am doing your will. Amen
Source: Adopted from Christ Lutheran Church
Stewardship of TIME begins with an awareness of your blessings and your responsibility to share your time with others to build our church and our community.
Ways to GIVE of your TIME: Join a committee or ministry, visit the sick and shut in, volunteering around the church.
Stewardship of TALENT begins with a personal discernment to use your talents but to share your gifts and talents as part of our church ministries and committees.
Ways to GIVE of your TALENT: Join a committee or ministry, be a mentor or teach someone else one of your talents.
Stewardship of TREASURE begins with a personal commitment to give a tenth of your earnings (or first fruits) to the Lord. (Numbers 18:26). All that we do with all that we have.
Ways to GIVE of your TREASURE: Increase your annual giving until it equals a tenth. Give consistently, encourage children to give also.
We encourage everyone to remember that a Christian Steward serves God out of love and gratitude for our gifts knowing that it is not how much we have, but what we do with what we have that is important.
If you would like to join a ministry/committee, learn more about them, or how to share your time, talent, and treasure in other ways ask a member of the Stewardship Ministry team, call the church at (313) 341-5320, ask a ministry or committee chairperson, or send an email: allsaintsdetroit@sbcglobal.net
Stewardship is discipleship; a complete reorientation of our lives toward God who calls us through Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
All Saints – Detroit, Stewardship Committee
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"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." - Jeremiah 33:3 Dismiss