Upon arrival you will be greeted by an usher who will give you a printed church bulletin, and then escort you to your seat.
The bulletin contains the order of service. At All Saints we include several books during our service:
- The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is the red book which contains the prayers, lessons, psalms, etc.
- The Hymnal is the blue book which contains the traditional hymns.
- The Lift Every Voice and Sing II (LEV) hymnal is the red and black book which contains more contemporary African-American hymns.
We STAND for the processional hymn, the salutation, the collect of the day, the sequence hymn, the Gospel, the Nicene Creed, the Prayers of the People, and the recessional hymn.
We SIT to hear the lessons, the sermon, and the announcements.
We KNEEL as we sing the Lord’s Prayer and certain other prayers. You can also sit (if unable to kneel), stand, or join hands in the main aisle.
We PARTICIPATE AUDIBLY with the people’s responses, including the “Amen” at the end of each prayer.
You can make a donation by:
- Using the visitor envelope to the end of each pew and place in the offertory plate.
- Going to the Giving tab and make your online donation securely through our website: https://www.allsaintsdetroit.org
**Children and youth are dismissed for Sunday school before the sermon begins and will return during the announcements (currently paused).