Whatever you give, consider giving God the first and best of all you receive, making it an intentional and meaningful priority in your household spending.
When you open you hands to give, you also open your hands to receive. A closed fist neither gives nor receives!
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is all about giving back to God.
- It is not about money
- It is how we use our:
- Time
- Talent
- Money
How Can You Be a Good Steward?
- See how you can use your God given TALENTS (gifts and skills) to repay God
- Determine how you spend your TIME (volunteer) giving back to God
- Simply, tithing (money)
How do We Show our Gratitude and Express our Thanks?
How Can We Create a Culture of Giving?
- Lead by example, starting with ourselves
- Every individual participating in our Stewardship
- Selecting a ministry and/or committee to become involved
- Commit to consistent giving
- How many other ways can you think of to create a culture of giving?
Where Can You Give Back?
Through the ministries of the church
What is a Pledge? How is it different from what I put in the plate on Sundays?
By completing a pledge card (commitment letter), we become intentional and regular in supporting our parish ministries. We put God at the head of our giving and our spending.
Why Does My Pledge Matter?
Each year All Saints plans to expand its ministries, reaching deeper into the community and touching more lives. Your pledge provides reliable funds for the resources needed to create and sustain them.
How Much Should I Pledge?
The tithe, giving 10 percent is the biblical norm and a good discipline. Many start by giving a proportional gift, a percentage of all we receive, and then increase it each year, growing toward tithing.
What if this is an Uncertain Year for Me. I Don't Want to Make a Pledge I Can't Fulfill.
You may change your pledge by simply revising your commitment letter.
What if I'm Here Only Part of the Year?
We welcome you to pledge for the time you are here.
What Does My Pledge to the Annual Appeal Support?
Your pledge supports our Sunday and other worship services. Christian education for all ages; welcoming newcomers; pastoral care for those hurting in body, mind, and spirit; fellowship time together; our website and outreach to our community and beyond.