Celebrating our Graduates
2024 Graduates and advancing students will be recognized by the congregation today.
Congratulations . . . To All Graduates and those moving to the next grade.
A Prayer for Graduates
God of journeys, endings, and new beginnings,
through the highs and lows, the twists and turns
this class has faced along the way,
we have faith that your love has guided them
from the moment they began up to graduation day.
We give you thanks and praise for the goodness that shines
in the relationships formed, knowledge learned,
and memories made through this school.
Bless the body, mind, and soul of every graduate,
that they may celebrate your glory in themselves and all creation,
and use their education to build your kingdom of peace.
The Rev. Timothy J.S. Seamans| May 20, 2020
Source: https://www.episcopalschools.org/news/a-prayer-for-graduates/
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