Each day during March, we celebrate the contributions 31 women have made and recognize their specific achievement as bishop in the Episcopal Church.
Today we celebrate Bishop Audrey Scanlan of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
“The Rt. Rev. Dr. Audrey Scanlan was ordained and consecrated as the first female and eleventh bishop of the diocese of Central Pennsylvania on September 12, 2015, in Harrisburg, PA. Before becoming a priest Bishop Scanlan spent a decade in the restaurant and catering business before another path summoned. Bishop Scanlan went back to school and got a graduate degree to teach elementary school. Before long she was working with children at risk and started an after-school program for those children and their families. Bishop Scanlan is the co-founder of Rhythms of Grace, a worship and formation program for children with special needs, has co-authored three volumes of lesson plans and holds a doctorate in the Theology of Disability.”
Click here to learn more about Bishop Audrey Scanlan.
“All bishops of the Episcopal Church, active or retired, make up the House of Bishops. Like the governing body of the United States, the governing body of Episcopal Church (called “the General Convention”) is comprised of two Houses: the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies. They meet and act separately, and both Houses must concur to adopt legislation. General Convention meets every three years, and the House of Bishops meets twice a year between conventions in a non-legislative capacity. The Presiding Bishop is the president of the House of Bishops.”
Source: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/who-we-are/church-governance/house-of-bishops/; https://www.pennlive.com/midstate/2015/09/episcopal_diocese_bishop_ordin.html; https://diocesecpa.org/ourbishop/