My 2021 Pledge
“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” – 1 Peter 4:10
With joyful hope in uncertain times, let us give for what can be.
Our commitment to support the mission of All Saints Church with our pledge expresses faith in God, in one another, and in the future.
Our faith enlarges the meaning behind our pledge to encompass who we are as people – our minds, hearts, and abilities.
Our differences are used by God to knit us together; we are each appreciated for our unique gift. Our pledges express this.
These times are uncertain, but Christian hope strengthens us. In the midst of confusion, let us realize the strength of God, and let us participate in a strong and vibrant future at All Saints Church.
All are invited to participate fully in the future of the church and through that participation to be fulfilled ourselves.
- How does practicing your faith help you recognize all the gifts God has given you?
- How are you giving to God the things that are God’s through your time, talent, and your treasure?
- In this time of COVID-19, did you focus and mourn what you lost, or rather did you focus and rejoice on what you gave to others?
- When you have practiced Faith-Filled Generosity, did you experience an increase in joy and wealth; i.e. wealth as a quality of life measure: joy, peace, love, personal satisfaction, fulfillment, and self actualization
- When you have sense of living within Faith-Filled Generosity, what actions do you see emerging in your life?
- What helps you to live, and interferes with your living, a more fruitful life?